I guess I made a mistake. Or not. At least I’ve learned from this experience. The thing is, my sister and I found some yoga pants in an ad on Facebook. We really liked them, at least the pants in the photos. That wasn’t quite what we got, I think. Still, those pants are quite good and probably about half price compared to ’the real thing’. It’s just that they don’t look like I expected and I think what you buy should look like the photos in the ad. At least they seem to be made from bamboo and they’re really comfortable. They’re probably copies of the ’original’ pants. Leaving aside the fact that my mom and my sister could probably make something very similar, I’m quite happy with them, all things considered.
Now we’ve found almost exactly the same pants on Amazon. They are about twice the price but if you can trust the photos, and I think you probably can, since this is Amazon, it must be the real thing. I’m awfully tempted to buy them. I hope I’m not going to be disappointed this time again.
I’ve always wanted a pair of yoga pants since I read about them in one of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum books. Stephanie wore a pair of them and since I didn’t have any idea of what they might look like, I did an image search and thought they looked very comfortable and quite nice looking for workout clothes.
Now with the Corona crisis, I’m guessing it’s going to be a very long time until there’s any reason to dress up in anything more formal than jeans or sweatpants. It’s a good thing that we’re introverts. We’ve been practicing all our lives for this. ;)